Storage Moguls


Warehouse Inventory Management System built in Flutter


Storage Moguls is a warehouse management system built in Flutter by myself and 4 classmates as our capstone project for the University of Toledo Senior Design class. We chose to build our application in Flutter to allow us to easily deploy the code on multiple platforms, while stil maintaining a single codebase. We demonstrated at the Senior Design Expo having the application deployed on the Web, as an Android Application and as a Windows Application.


We wrote our backend for this application in Node.js with Typescript. We used the Koa package to build out our API Server, alongside the Prisma ORM to access our database. Our database for this application was PostgreSQL which worked seamlessly with Prisma to allow easy use of the Database in our API. Our application also was available to the users as an easy to use and deploy Docker container, allowing us to easily spin up new instances whenever needed, including with our automated test and deployment suite setup via Github Actions.